IT Services and Consultancy – independent, unbiased IT advice


You’re probably here because you only know enough about IT to get you into trouble.

And isn’t that half the problem? You know enough, but it’s not enough to query that latest IT service provider invoice. If you did, you might get a technical explanation that you simply don’t understand, but pretend you do, and pay it anyway.

Because you just don’t know.

You may be a CFO of an organisation whose IT costs have gone up, but not in proportion to your IT needs.

Or perhaps you’re not really sure where your organisation’s IT systems are at.

As an insurance professional, I’m really conscious about cyber security for my clients’ businesses and my own. Icon IT’s eduction session on phishing provided great insights for our team into what to look out for an how to improve our security. I would strongly recommend this for any business that wants to know what risks they face and how best to protect aginst them.

Bernie Kane, Meridan General Insurance

Icon IT will investigate and report on what you need to bring your IT systems and costs back into perspective. We offer IT Services and Consultancy based on independent, unbiased advice.

This might involve:

An IT Review or IT Audit

An IT Roadmap

Other services we offer include:

Phishing Education & Training

Phish Testing

Temporary IT Manager

Virtual CIO

Simply give us a call on 04 977 6567, or contact us:

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