IT Audit – Staff

Is it time to do an audit or review of your IT staff, or IT team? Many organisations have set IT roles, people who have either been doing the same role for a long time (sometimes decades) or different people over the years doing the same role, because that’s how it’s always been. That doesn’t mean that your current business needs for your IT team are the same, perhaps by a long margin. You may well already know this, but don’t know where to start, or do not have the time to review your IT team and their roles.

This is one part of a review that is difficult to do as a stand-alone request. To gauge what your IT staffing needs are, we really need to get a handle on all your IT requirements and services, to know what any future role changes (if any) might be.

it audit review staff

Is it time to restructure your IT team, perhaps alter job descriptions more than 20%, thereby allowing you to re-advertise roles? An IT audit will reveal this.

There are also your staff training plans to consider. To show commitment and a desire to move forward, staff should have set training plans, ideally with a focus on achieving a qualification/s as an end result.

As part of a staff review, we would meet with and discuss this with each IT team member and develop a training plan to suit each individual. We understand that this isn’t always required, and can be left off if requested.

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